Desert Irish Wolfhound Association
Before You Buy or Adopt Resources
For reputable breeders in Arizona and surrounding areas, see the lrish Wolfhound Club of America Breeder Directory
You may also contact us at DIWA for assistance in both locating reputable breeders in Arizona and for support in your search for an Irish Wolfhound puppy.
Below are some links to read first before you start looking for a puppy:
Things to think about BEFORE you buy a puppy.
"So You Want to Own An Irish Wolfhound".
Puppy Buyer Etiquette (A must read before contacting breeders!).
"What Does A Responsible Breeder Do?".
"Puppy Placement Age - Is it Breeder Rapaciousness or Responsibility?" By Tamara Dunn.
Guidelines for Choosing, Owning, and Caring for an Irish Wolfhound and Breeder Obligations.
Irish Wolfhound Club of America Codes and Standards of Conduct and Behavior - Code of Ethical Conduct.
Standard of Behavior for Breeders.
Breeders and Contacts list of the IWCA (not all breeders choose to be listed on this).